2 "name": "UMengAnalytics",
4 "summary": "UMeng's official Analytics SDK for iOS.",
5 "description": " UMeng Analytics SDK for analytics tracking and reporting.\n\n * Think: Why did you write this? What is the focus? What does it do?\n * CocoaPods will be using this to generate tags, and improve search results.\n * Try to keep it short, snappy and to the point.\n * Finally, don't worry about the indent, CocoaPods strips it!\n",
6 "homepage": "http://dev.umeng.com/analytics/ios/quick-start",
9 "text": " Copyright 2011 - 2015 UMeng.com. All rights reserved.\n"
12 "UMeng": "support@umeng.com"
18 "http": "http://dev.umeng.com/system/resources/W1siZiIsIjIwMTUvMDEvMjYvMTRfMjJfNTBfOTA5X3Vtc2RrX0lPU19hbmFseXRpY3NfaWRmYV92My40LjQuemlwIl1d/umsdk_IOS_analytics_idfa_v3.4.4.zip"
20 "source_files": "**/MobClick.h",
21 "preserve_paths": "**/libMobClickLibrary.a",
26 "requires_arc": false,
28 "LIBRARY_SEARCH_PATHS": "\"$(PODS_ROOT)/UMengAnalytics/**\""