2 "name": "AeroGearSyncJsonPatch",
3 "version": "1.0.0-alpha.4",
4 "summary": "An iOS Sync Engine for AeroGear Differential Synchronization",
5 "description": "AeroGearSync is the synchronisation engine based on Google Diff Match Patch algorithm. \nTo use the sync engine, you work with its sync client. \nAeroGearSyncJsonPatch implements the protocol using Json Patch protocol rfc6902 and the Json merge rfc7386.\nAeroGearSyncDiffMatchPatch implement the Google Diff Match Patch algorithm not based on Json format. You can work using plain string and no structured model (plain text will fit).",
6 "homepage": "https://github.com/aerogear/aerogear-ios-sync",
7 "license": "Apache License, Version 2.0",
8 "authors": "Red Hat, Inc.",
10 "git": "https://github.com/aerogear/aerogear-ios-sync.git",
11 "tag": "1.0.0-alpha.4"
16 "source_files": "AeroGearSyncJsonPatch/*.{swift}",