[Add] TrinityAudioSDK 3.2.118
[CocoaPods.git] / Specs / 8 / b / e / Yoga / 3.0.1 / Yoga.podspec.json
2   "name": "Yoga",
3   "version": "3.0.1",
4   "license": {
5     "type": "MIT",
6     "file": "LICENSE"
7   },
8   "homepage": "https://yogalayout.dev/",
9   "documentation_url": "https://yogalayout.dev/docs",
10   "summary": "An embeddable and performant flexbox layout engine with bindings for multiple languages",
11   "authors": {
12     "Meta Open Source": "opensource@meta.com"
13   },
14   "source": {
15     "git": "https://github.com/facebook/yoga.git",
16     "tag": "v3.0.1"
17   },
18   "platforms": {
19     "ios": "13.4"
20   },
21   "module_name": "yoga",
22   "requires_arc": false,
23   "pod_target_xcconfig": {
26   },
27   "compiler_flags": [
28     "-fno-omit-frame-pointer",
29     "-fexceptions",
30     "-Wall",
31     "-Werror",
32     "-std=c++20",
33     "-fPIC"
34   ],
35   "swift_versions": "5.1",
36   "source_files": "yoga/**/*.{h,cpp}",
37   "header_mappings_dir": "yoga",
38   "public_header_files": "yoga/*.h",
39   "private_header_files": [
40     "yoga/algorithm/AbsoluteLayout.h",
41     "yoga/algorithm/Align.h",
42     "yoga/algorithm/Baseline.h",
43     "yoga/algorithm/BoundAxis.h",
44     "yoga/algorithm/Cache.h",
45     "yoga/algorithm/CalculateLayout.h",
46     "yoga/algorithm/FlexDirection.h",
47     "yoga/algorithm/FlexLine.h",
48     "yoga/algorithm/PixelGrid.h",
49     "yoga/algorithm/SizingMode.h",
50     "yoga/algorithm/TrailingPosition.h",
51     "yoga/config/Config.h",
52     "yoga/debug/AssertFatal.h",
53     "yoga/debug/Log.h",
54     "yoga/enums/Align.h",
55     "yoga/enums/Dimension.h",
56     "yoga/enums/Direction.h",
57     "yoga/enums/Display.h",
58     "yoga/enums/Edge.h",
59     "yoga/enums/Errata.h",
60     "yoga/enums/ExperimentalFeature.h",
61     "yoga/enums/FlexDirection.h",
62     "yoga/enums/Gutter.h",
63     "yoga/enums/Justify.h",
64     "yoga/enums/LogLevel.h",
65     "yoga/enums/MeasureMode.h",
66     "yoga/enums/NodeType.h",
67     "yoga/enums/Overflow.h",
68     "yoga/enums/PhysicalEdge.h",
69     "yoga/enums/PositionType.h",
70     "yoga/enums/Unit.h",
71     "yoga/enums/Wrap.h",
72     "yoga/enums/YogaEnums.h",
73     "yoga/event/event.h",
74     "yoga/node/CachedMeasurement.h",
75     "yoga/node/LayoutResults.h",
76     "yoga/node/Node.h",
77     "yoga/numeric/Comparison.h",
78     "yoga/numeric/FloatOptional.h",
79     "yoga/style/SmallValueBuffer.h",
80     "yoga/style/Style.h",
81     "yoga/style/StyleLength.h",
82     "yoga/style/StyleValueHandle.h",
83     "yoga/style/StyleValuePool.h"
84   ],
85   "preserve_paths": [
86     "yoga/**/*.h"
87   ],
88   "swift_version": "5.1"