2 "name": "SelfSignedCert",
4 "summary": "A framework for iOS that allows creating self-signed certificates, implemented in Swift.",
5 "description": "On iOS, you cannot simply create self-signed certificates.\nYou could try and pull out OpenSSL, but that will turn into\na nightmare very quickly. This library provides functionality\nto create self-signed certificates in Swift. DISCLAIMER: I\nam no security expert. This library has not been audited by\none. I just ported a part of another library, copying many\nof the unit tests in there, but I don't know if they were all\ncorrect... Use at your own risk! By the way: if you are a\nsecurity expert and want to audit this library, that would\nearn you LOTS and LOTS of gratitude! Please contact me.",
6 "homepage": "https://github.com/svdo/swift-SelfSignedCert",
12 "Stefan van den Oord": "soord@mac.com"
18 "git": "https://github.com/svdo/swift-SelfSignedCert.git",
21 "source_files": "SelfSignedCert/**/*.swift",
23 "IDZSwiftCommonCrypto": [