2 "name": "DKCountryPicker",
4 "summary": "A simple control for searching/selecting countries.",
5 "description": " Was surprised that I couldn't find one so I made a simple control for searching/selecting countries. Especially useful for using in signup forms where you need to select a country for a phone number or postal address.\n",
6 "homepage": "https://github.com/dkasper/DKCountryPicker",
7 "screenshots": "https://github.com/dkasper/DKCountryPicker/raw/master//ScreenShot.png",
13 "David Kasper": "dkasper@gmail.com"
19 "git": "https://github.com/dkasper/DKCountryPicker.git",
22 "source_files": "DKCountryPicker/DKCountryPickerViewController.{h,m}",
25 "libPhoneNumber-iOS": [