2 "name": "OTKAnalytics",
4 "summary": "Vertical Solutions Logging.",
5 "description": "As an OpenTok Vertical Solutions team member, I want to be able to know the use of each different solutions project, so I have to register what is the solution used by the partners/developers.\n\nEg: Log the use of the Text-chat component on Android by the partner xxxx.\n\nAs an OpenTok Vertical Solutions team member, I want to be able to know the use of the different features of each OpenTok Vertical Solution, so I have to register what are the actions fired by the partners/developers.\n\nEg: Get the number of the sent messages, using the Text-chat component on Android, by the partner xxxx in the last 2 days.",
6 "homepage": "https://tokbox.com/",
9 "text": "https://tokbox.com/support/tos"
12 "Lucas Huang": "lucas@tokbox.com"
15 "http": "https://www.dropbox.com/s/pmjd37oic653uti/SolutionsLogging.zip?dl=0"
17 "vendored_frameworks": "OTKAnalytics.framework",
18 "social_media_url": "https://twitter.com/tokbox/",