[Add] FaceSDKNightly 6.4.2314
[CocoaPods.git] / Specs / 0 / 2 / e / FPhiSelphIDWidgetiOSMLRGL / 1.30.1 / FPhiSelphIDWidgetiOSMLRGL.podspec.json
2   "name": "FPhiSelphIDWidgetiOSMLRGL",
3   "version": "1.30.1",
4   "summary": "Component for OCR and liveness test",
5   "platforms": {
6     "ios": "13.0"
7   },
8   "static_framework": true,
9   "description": "Safe digital onboarding solution with the best real time OCR in the market with facial liveness test.",
10   "homepage": "https://www.facephi.com",
11   "license": {
12     "type": "Commercial",
13     "text": "                     © Facephi 2021. All rights reserved.\n"
14   },
15   "authors": {
16     "Facephi": "developer@facephi.com"
17   },
18   "source": {
19     "git": "https://github.com/facephi/selphidmlrgl-framework.git",
20     "tag": "1.30.1"
21   },
22   "ios": {
23     "resources": "fphi-selphid-widget-resources-selphid-1.0.zip",
24     "vendored_frameworks": "FPhiSelphIDWidgetiOS.xcframework"
25   },
26   "pod_target_xcconfig": {
27     "EXCLUDED_ARCHS": "armv7"
28   },
29   "user_target_xcconfig": {
30     "EXCLUDED_ARCHS": "armv7"
31   },
32   "dependencies": {
33     "DocumentReader": [
34       "~> 6.9.0"
35     ],
36     "DocumentReaderFullAuth": [
37       "~> 6.9.0"
38     ],
39     "FPhiMBWidgetiOS": [
40       "6.11.0"
41     ],
42     "GoogleMLKit/TextRecognition": [
43       "6.0.0"
44     ],
45     "GoogleMLKit/TextRecognitionKorean": [
46       "6.0.0"
47     ],
48     "GoogleMLKit/TextRecognitionJapanese": [
49       "6.0.0"
50     ],
51     "zipzap": [
53     ]
54   }