[Add] FaceSDKNightly 6.4.2314
[CocoaPods.git] / Specs / 0 / c / 9 / VAMPPangleAdapter / / VAMPPangleAdapter.podspec.json
2   "name": "VAMPPangleAdapter",
3   "version": "",
4   "summary": "Pangle Adapter for VAMP.",
5   "description": "VAMP is Video Ad Mediation Platform, including Pangle and more ad networks. The Pangle adapter helps you to use Pangle with VAMP.",
6   "license": {
7     "type": "Copyright",
8     "text": "Copyright (c) Supership Inc. All rights reserved."
9   },
10   "authors": "Supership Inc.",
11   "homepage": "https://github.com/AdGeneration/VAMP-iOS-SDK",
12   "source": {
13     "http": "https://d2dylwb3shzel1.cloudfront.net/iOS/VAMPPangleAdapter-v5."
14   },
15   "platforms": {
16     "ios": "11.0"
17   },
18   "frameworks": [
19     "AdSupport",
20     "AVFoundation",
21     "CoreLocation",
22     "CoreMedia",
23     "CoreMotion",
24     "CoreTelephony",
25     "MediaPlayer",
26     "MobileCoreServices",
27     "StoreKit",
28     "SystemConfiguration",
29     "WebKit",
30     "Accelerate"
31   ],
32   "libraries": [
33     "c++",
34     "resolv.9",
35     "z",
36     "sqlite3",
37     "xml2"
38   ],
39   "user_target_xcconfig": {
40     "VALID_ARCHS[sdk=iphoneos*]": "arm64 armv7",
41     "VALID_ARCHS[sdk=iphonesimulator*]": "x86_64"
42   },
43   "vendored_frameworks": "VAMPPangleAdapter.xcframework",
44   "resource_bundles": {
45     "VAMPPangleAdapter": [
46       "VAMPPangleAdapter.xcframework/PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy"
47     ]
48   },
49   "dependencies": {
50     "VAMP-SDK": [
51       ">= 4.7.4"
52     ],
53     "Ads-Global": [
54       ""
55     ]
56   }