[Add] FaceSDKNightly 6.4.2314
[CocoaPods.git] / Specs / 0 / d / 2 / ReactiveCocoa / 2.0 / ReactiveCocoa.podspec.json
2   "name": "ReactiveCocoa",
3   "version": "2.0",
4   "summary": "A framework for composing and transforming streams of values.",
5   "homepage": "https://github.com/blog/1107-reactivecocoa-is-now-open-source",
6   "authors": {
7     "Josh Abernathy": "josh@github.com"
8   },
9   "source": {
10     "git": "https://github.com/ReactiveCocoa/ReactiveCocoa.git",
11     "tag": "v2.0"
12   },
13   "license": "MIT",
14   "description": "ReactiveCocoa (RAC) is an Objective-C framework for Functional Reactive Programming. It provides APIs for composing and transforming streams of values.",
15   "requires_arc": true,
16   "platforms": {
17     "ios": "5.0",
18     "osx": "10.7"
19   },
20   "compiler_flags": "-DOS_OBJECT_USE_OBJC=0",
21   "prepare_command": "    find . \\( -regex '.*EXT.*\\.[mh]$' -o -regex '.*metamacros\\.[mh]$' \\) -execdir mv {} RAC{} \\;\n    find . -regex '.*\\.[hm]' -exec sed -i '' -E 's@\"(EXT.*|metamacros)\\.h\"@\"RAC\\1.h\"@' {} \\;\n    find . -regex '.*\\.[hm]' -exec sed -i '' -E 's@<ReactiveCocoa/(EXT.*)\\.h>@<ReactiveCocoa/RAC\\1.h>@' {} \\;\n",
22   "subspecs": [
23     {
24       "name": "no-arc",
25       "source_files": "ReactiveCocoaFramework/ReactiveCocoa/RACObjCRuntime.{h,m}",
26       "requires_arc": false
27     },
28     {
29       "name": "Core",
30       "dependencies": {
31         "ReactiveCocoa/no-arc": [
33         ]
34       },
35       "source_files": "ReactiveCocoaFramework/ReactiveCocoa/**/*.{h,m}",
36       "private_header_files": [
37         "**/*Private.h",
38         "**/*EXTRuntimeExtensions.h"
39       ],
40       "exclude_files": "ReactiveCocoaFramework/ReactiveCocoa/RACObjCRuntime.{h,m}",
41       "ios": {
42         "exclude_files": "**/*{AppKit,NSControl,NSText}*"
43       },
44       "osx": {
45         "exclude_files": "**/*{UIActionSheet,UIAlertView,UIBarButtonItem,UIButton,UIControl,UIDatePicker,UIGestureRecognizer,UISegmentedControl,UISlider,UIStepper,UISwitch,UITableViewCell,UIText}*"
46       },
47       "header_dir": "ReactiveCocoa"
48     },
49     {
50       "name": "RACExtensions",
51       "source_files": "RACExtensions/*.{h,m}",
52       "dependencies": {
53         "ReactiveCocoa/Core": [
55         ]
56       }
57     }
58   ]