4 "summary": "Ease slide menu, with high customization for ios",
9 "git": "https://github.com/arturdev/AMSlideMenu.git",
12 "description": " This is a simple library to create sliding menus that can be used in storyboards and support static cells.\n\nWith this library you can create 3 types of sliding menus: \n1. Slide menu with right menu only. \n2. Slide menu with left menu only. \n3. Slide menu with both left and right menus. \n\nThis repo contains project that demonstrate usage of AMSlideMenu .\nThis project created in Xcode 5 , so this library is fully compatible with iOS 7.\nWorks for both iPhone and iPad.\n",
13 "homepage": "https://github.com/arturdev/AMSlideMenu",
16 "Artur Mkrtchyan": "mkrtarturdev@gmail.com"
18 "source_files": "AMSlideMenu/AMSlideMenu/*",