4 "summary": "Like Android Palette for iOS. Get contrasting color for any UIView",
5 "description": " Like Android Palette for iOS. Written in Swift and compatible with Objective-C¬\n From any view (anything that inherits UIView) gets contrasting color (black or white) for specific point where is another view.¬\n",
6 "homepage": "http://github.com/Charlisim/Palette-iOS",
8 "https://github.com/Charlisim/Palette-iOS/blob/master/screenshots/gray.png?raw=true",
9 "https://github.com/Charlisim/Palette-iOS/blob/master/screenshots/red.png?raw=true"
16 "Carlos Simon Villas": "csimonts@gmail.com"
18 "social_media_url": "http://twitter.com/charlisim",
23 "git": "https://github.com/Charlisim/Palette-iOS.git",
26 "source_files": "Palette/*.{h,m,swift}"