[Add] FaceSDKNightly 6.4.2314
[CocoaPods.git] / Specs / 2 / 7 / e / eyn / 1.0.0 / eyn.podspec.json
2   "name": "eyn",
3   "version": "1.0.0",
4   "platforms": {
5     "ios": "13.0"
6   },
7   "swift_versions": [
8     "5.0"
9   ],
10   "summary": "A swift-based sdk for EYNs API to perform identity checks.",
11   "description": "This library help mobile apps developers to integrate EYNs identity check API. It provides a Swift wrapper to EYNs API and a collection of UI screens and elements to capture photos of documents, reading of the NFC chip for chip-based documents and capturing of faces for facial recognition.",
12   "homepage": "https://www.eyn.vision/verifast",
13   "documentation_url": "https://github.com/Ayn-AI/VeriFast-SDK",
14   "license": {
15     "type": "Copyright",
16     "text": "                                Copyright 2020 EYN, Ltd. All rights reserved.\n"
17   },
18   "authors": {
19     "Robin Ankele": "dev@eyn.vision"
20   },
21   "source": {
22     "http": "https://eyn-sdks.s3.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/ios/Eyn-v1.0.0.zip"
23   },
24   "ios": {
25     "source_files": "Eyn.framework/Headers/*.h",
26     "vendored_frameworks": "Eyn.framework",
27     "preserve_paths": "Eyn.framework"
28   },
29   "dependencies": {
30     "AWSS3": [
31       "~> 2.12.2"
32     ],
33     "FlagKit": [
34       "~> 2.2"
35     ],
36     "lottie-ios": [
37       "~> 3.1.5"
38     ],
39     "Fabric": [
40       "~> 1.10.2"
41     ],
42     "Crashlytics": [
43       "~> 3.14.0"
44     ],
45     "Firebase/Analytics": [
46       "~> 6.13.0"
47     ],
48     "Firebase/MLVision": [
49       "~> 6.13.0"
50     ],
51     "Firebase/MLVisionFaceModel": [
52       "~> 6.13.0"
53     ],
54     "MaterialComponents/Dialogs": [
55       "~> 94.4.0"
56     ],
57     "MaterialComponents/Snackbar": [
58       "~> 94.4.0"
59     ],
60     "MaterialComponents/ActivityIndicator": [
61       "~> 94.4.0"
62     ],
63     "MaterialComponents/ProgressView": [
64       "~> 94.4.0"
65     ]
66   },
67   "frameworks": [
68     "Foundation",
69     "UIKit",
70     "AVFoundation"
71   ],
72   "swift_version": "5.0"