2 "name": "DSInsetLabel",
4 "summary": "Simple UILabel subclass to use padding insets and max width",
5 "description": " * The DSInsetLabel will let you set **padding insets** and **resize** the label while respecting the insets.\n * You also have the option of setting a **max width** on the label that will also respect the insets.\n",
6 "homepage": "https://github.com/thbaja/DSInsetLabel",
9 "Thomas Baastrup Jacobsen": "thbaja@drysingleton.com"
12 "git": "https://github.com/thbaja/DSInsetLabel.git",
15 "social_media_url": "https://twitter.com/thomasbjacobsen",
20 "source_files": "Pod/Classes/**/*",