3 "version": "1.1.1-pdtgct.1",
8 "summary": "UIKit Style Sheets.",
9 "homepage": "https://github.com/pdtgct/UISS",
11 "Robert Wijas": "https://robertwijas.com"
13 "description": "UISS stands for UIKit Style Sheets. UISS is an iOS library that provides you with a convenient way to define the style of your application. UISS is built on top of UIKit UIAppearance proxies. This version is compatible with iOS 7",
15 "git": "https://github.com/pdtgct/UISS.git",
16 "tag": "1.1.1-pdtgct.1"
18 "source_files": "Project/UISS",
19 "resources": "Project/UISSResources.bundle",
20 "prefix_header_file": "Project/UISS/UISS-Prefix.pch",