2 "name": "thinkitive-text-animator",
4 "summary": "An iOS text animator library that provides UIViews that display text that can animate its outline for each character",
5 "description": "Library provides instances of UIView that cofnrom to TextAnimatorView through which the design and animation properties are set\n* Call any function of ``TextAnimatorFactory`` to get an instance of ``TextAnimatorview``\n* ``TextAnimatorview`` is of type UIView so the received instance must be added as subview\n* Use ``setText(lines: [String])`` to set an array of text lines that will be rendered\n* Use ``setFont(font: UIFont)`` to set a font to be used for the outline\n* Use ``setBorderColor(color: UIColor)`` to set an outline color that will be drawn\n* See ``TextAnimatorDesignable`` to see all properties that can be set and checked\n* To actually animate or set the desired animation frame use ``updateCurrentTime(percentage: percentage)`` where percentage is between 0 and 1.0\n* For best results run a ``NSTimer`` 60 times a second to get 60 frames per second and call ``updateCurrentTime(percentage: percentage)`` from ``NSTimer`` selector",
6 "homepage": "https://thinkitivelab.com",
12 "Gints Osis": "gints.osis1@gmail.com"
18 "git": "https://github.com/gosis/thinkitive-text-animator.git",
28 "swift_version": "5.0"