[Add] FaceSDKNightly 6.4.2314
[CocoaPods.git] / Specs / b / 5 / 9 / Telegram-iOS-SDK / 0.0.6 / Telegram-iOS-SDK.podspec.json
2   "name": "Telegram-iOS-SDK",
3   "version": "0.0.6",
4   "summary": "Telegram-iOS-SDK. Source code of Telegram 2.8 ported to pods",
5   "description": "arm64 compatible. Work is frozen.\nFeel free to contribute.",
6   "homepage": "https://github.com/batkov/Telegram-iOS-SDK",
7   "license": "GPLv2",
8   "authors": {
9     "Hariton Batkov": "batkov@i.ua"
10   },
11   "source": {
12     "git": "https://github.com/batkov/Telegram-iOS-SDK.git",
13     "tag": "0.0.6"
14   },
15   "social_media_url": "https://twitter.com/batkov111",
16   "platforms": {
17     "ios": "6.0"
18   },
19   "requires_arc": "Pod/Classes/ARC/**/*",
20   "xcconfig": {
21     "OTHER_LDFLAGS": "-lstdc++ -ObjC",
23   },
24   "source_files": "Pod/Classes/**/*.{h,m,c,cpp,mm}",
25   "compiler_flags": "-Wall",
26   "resource_bundles": {
27     "Telegram-iOS-SDK": [
28       "Pod/Assets/**/*"
29     ]
30   },
31   "frameworks": [
32     "AddressBook",
33     "AddressBookUI",
34     "CoreLocation"
35   ],
36   "dependencies": {
37     "BLPhoneFormat": [
39     ],
40     "BLContactsViewController": [
42     ],
43     "pop": [
45     ]
46   },
47   "ios": {
48     "vendored_libraries": "Pod/Libs/**"
49   },
50   "libraries": [
51     "z",
52     "crypto"
53   ]