4 "summary": "appVuze iOS In-app Customer Support SDK",
5 "description": "appVuze iOS In-app customer support SDK establishes an easy to use communication channel between mobile app user and customer support of the app vendor. Mobile app user can use chat, VoIP and screen sharing to communicate with a customer support rep to get help resolving an issue he or she is having with the app. Our product reduces downtime, lowers support costs, improves app ratings, and keeps your customers happy. Sign up for a free trial at http://www.appvuze.com",
6 "homepage": "http://www.appvuze.com",
12 "Maksim Orlovich": "maksim@appvuze.com"
14 "social_media_url": "http://twitter.com/appvuze",
19 "vendored_frameworks": "appVuze.framework"
22 "http": "https://github.com/appVuze/appvuze-ios-sdk-bitcode/raw/master/appVuze.framework-0.2.7-bitcode.zip"
24 "preserve_paths": "trimarch.sh"