4 "summary": "A Swift implementation of NSHost that builds for iOS, macOS and tvOS.",
5 "description": "A Swift implementation of NSHost (Host in Swift) that works on iOS, OS X and tvOS. Hostess.swift is safe to use in a framework because it does not require a bridging header.\n\nHostess.swift was created because NSHost is unavailable on iOS and CFHost does not offer the full functionality of it OS X counterpart. In addition, those developers hoping for a pure-Swift solution were out of luck without using a bridging header. Hostess.swift does not use a bridging header, so is safe to use in Framework development. It is 100% Swift and tries to maintain as much type safety as the low level networking C API will allow.",
6 "homepage": "https://github.com/rjstelling/Hostess.swift",
12 "Richard Stelling": "richard@empiricalmagic.com"
14 "social_media_url": "http://twitter.com/rjstelling",
22 "git": "https://github.com/rjstelling/Hostess.swift.git",
26 "Projects/Hostess/Hostess/",
27 "Projects/Hostess/Hostess/**/*.{h,m}"
29 "exclude_files": "Projects/Hostess/Hostess//Exclude",
30 "pushed_with_swift_version": "4.0"