[Add] FaceSDKNightly 6.4.2314
[CocoaPods.git] / Specs / d / 4 / 1 / CameraBackground / 1.7.1 / CameraBackground.podspec.json
2   "name": "CameraBackground",
3   "version": "1.7.1",
4   "summary": "Show camera layer as a background to any UIView.",
5   "description": "Features:\n\n* Both **front and back** camera supported.\n* **Flash** modes: auto, on, off.\n* Countdown **timer**.\n* Tap to **focus**.\n* Pinch to **zoom**.\n\nUsage:\n\n```swift\nview.addCameraBackground()\n// ...\nview.takeCameraSnapshot( {\n      // animate snapshot capture\n      self.view.alpha = 0\n      UIView.animateWithDuration(1) { self.view.alpha = 1 }\n  },\n  completion: { (capturedImage, error) -> () in\n      self.view.freeCameraSnapshot() // unfreeze image\n      // ... handle capturedImage and error\n  }\n)\n// ...\nview.removeCameraBackground()\n```",
6   "homepage": "https://github.com/yonat/CameraBackground",
7   "screenshots": [
8     "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/yonat/CameraBackground/master/screenshots/focus.png",
9     "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/yonat/CameraBackground/master/screenshots/countdown.png"
10   ],
11   "license": {
12     "type": "MIT",
13     "file": "LICENSE.txt"
14   },
15   "authors": {
16     "Yonat Sharon": "yonat@ootips.org"
17   },
18   "social_media_url": "https://twitter.com/yonatsharon",
19   "swift_versions": [
20     "5.0"
21   ],
22   "platforms": {
23     "ios": "11.0"
24   },
25   "requires_arc": true,
26   "source": {
27     "git": "https://github.com/yonat/CameraBackground.git",
28     "tag": "1.7.1"
29   },
30   "source_files": "Sources/*.swift",
31   "resource_bundles": {
32     "CameraBackground": [
33       "PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy"
34     ]
35   },
36   "dependencies": {
37     "SweeterSwift": [
39     ],
40     "MultiToggleButton": [
42     ]
43   },
44   "subspecs": [
45     {
46       "name": "Resources",
47       "resource_bundles": {
48         "CameraBackground": "Sources/*.png"
49       }
50     }
51   ],
52   "swift_version": "5.0"