2 "name": "XTImageGridView",
4 "summary": "An library for iOS custom grid view or default attach view,you can use this UI component to add or delete views conveniently.",
5 "description": "TODO: You can use this library to custom your grid view you want,or you can use this control to complete a default attach view,you can config your view or images in grid easily.",
6 "homepage": "https://github.com/ronniechen888/XTImageGridView",
8 "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ronniechen888/XTImageGridView/master/Document/gridview.png",
9 "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ronniechen888/XTImageGridView/master/Document/gridview_after_long_press1.png",
10 "https://github.com/ronniechen888/XTImageGridView/raw/master/Document/gridview_custom1.png"
14 "file": "MIT-LICENSE.txt"
17 "Ronnie Chen": "576892817@qq.com"
20 "git": "https://github.com/ronniechen888/XTImageGridView.git",
26 "frameworks": "UIKit",