2 "name": "SwiftMaskText",
4 "homepage": "https://github.com/moraisandre/SwiftMaskText",
5 "summary": "A Swift plugin that allow add mask to UITextField.",
6 "description": "# SwiftMaskText\n\nAnother Swift plugin that allow add mask to UITextField\n\n![App Preview](https://github.com/moraisandre/SwiftMaskText/blob/master/Assets/appPreview.png)\n\n### Why to use it?\n * Because it's simples and fast\n * Configuration is through Settings Panel\n * Works with Swift 4.0\n\n## Mask Configuration\n### Mask Symbols\n\n| Characters | Format |\n|:------------:|:------------------------------:|\n| N | Number only [0-9] |\n| C | Characters [A-Z] (Always upper case) |\n| c | Characters [a-z] (Always lower case) |\n| X | Characters [a-Z] |\n| U | Characters + Numbers [A-Z] + [0-9] (Always upper case) |\n| u | Characters + Numbers [a-z] + [0-9] (Always lower case) |\n| % | Characters + Numbers [a-Z] + [0-9] |\n| * | Any character (Including special ones) |\n\n### Some examples\n\n#### Internacional examples\n\n| Field | Mask |\n|:------------:|:------------------------------:|\n| SSN | NNN-NN-NNNN |\n| Telephone | +NN (NNN) NNN-NNNN |\n| Credit Card | NNNN-NNNN-NNNN-NNNN |\n\n#### Brazilian examples\n\n| Field | Mask |\n|:------------:|:------------------------------:|\n| Telephone | +NN (0NN) NNNNN-NNNN |\n| CPF | NNN.NNN.NNN-NN |\n| RG | NN.NNN.NNN-% |\n| CEP | NNNNN-NNN |\n\n\n## How to use it?\n#### Using Carthage\n\n ```\n github \"moraisandre/SwiftMaskText\"\n ```\n#### Using CocoaPods\n\n ```\n pod ‘SwiftMaskText’\n ```\n#### Copy files to your project\n\n1. Add the *SwiftMaskField* folder to your project, it contains 2 files. Be sure that *'Copy items if needed'* is checked.\n ![Copy Items If Needed](https://github.com/moraisandre/SwiftMaskText/blob/master/Assets/CopyItemsIfNeeded.png)\n\n2. In your *ViewController* add an *UITextField* object. In 'Settings Panel' -> 'Identity inspector' set Class to *'SwiftMaskField'*\n ![Custom Class](https://github.com/moraisandre/SwiftMaskText/blob/master/Assets/customClass.png)\n\n\n3. Now go into 'Settings Panel' -> 'Attributes inspector' and set the Mask that you want it to\n ![Swift Mask Field](https://github.com/moraisandre/SwiftMaskText/blob/master/Assets/swiftMaskField.png)\n\n4. Done!\n\n## More info\n### Author\n*André Morais*\n\nWebsite: www.andremorais.com.br\n\nE-mail: [morais@andremorais.com.br](mailto:morais@andremorais.com.br?Subject=GitHub%20doubt)\n\n### License\nUnder the [MIT license](http://www.opensource.org/licenses/MIT).",
7 "authors": "Andre Morais",
16 "git": "https://github.com/moraisandre/SwiftMaskText.git",
19 "source_files": "SwiftMaskText/Source/*.swift",
20 "module_name": "SwiftMaskText",
22 "pushed_with_swift_version": "4"