2 "name": "iOSKickStart",
4 "summary": "Set of extended standard features to kickstart any iOS project.",
5 "description": "A beautiful project template to kick start any iOS project. The target is to avoid recoding for features like UIView rounded rect designables or a simple scrolling form. Please contribute to this project to fill up with a standard set of features frequently needed.\n\nCurrent Features:\n1. Crossdissolve and reverse push pop navigation.\n2. UIColor init with hex value.\n3. UIView corner-radius and colored-border IBInspectables.\n4. Text localization with key string from interface builder.\n5. Define once use everywhere global constants.\n6. Navigationbar set solid color and line shadow visibility on/off.\n7. Scrollview actAsInputForm..\n8. Dismiss keyboard on tap with enabling UIView extension var endEditingOnTap.\n9. Default keyboard config enum in interfacebuilder to choose easily and avoid keyboard config mistakes.\n10. UITextField left/right padding.\n11. UIButton adoptive font size.\n12. Code input TextField.\n13. UILabel bounds.height to font size ratio.\n\nLimitations:\n1. You have to extend or use sub classes declared here against Apple's base classes.\n\nThis is just a basic work. Please contribute, expand and Enjoy...",
6 "homepage": "https://github.com/tmukammel/iOSKickStart",
12 "Twaha Mukammel": "t.mukammel@aol.com"
15 "git": "https://github.com/tmukammel/iOSKickStart.git",
21 "source_files": "iOSKickStart/Classes/**/*",
22 "pushed_with_swift_version": "3.0"