[Add] DocumentReaderOCRRFIDStage 7.5.11035
[CocoaPods.git] / Specs / 0 / 1 / 9 / Cuckoo / 1.2.0 / Cuckoo.podspec.json
2   "name": "Cuckoo",
3   "version": "1.2.0",
4   "summary": "Cuckoo - first boilerplate-free Swift mocking framework.",
5   "description": "Cuckoo is a mocking framework with an easy to use API (inspired by Mockito).\nIt generates mocks and some helper structures automatically to enable this functionality.",
6   "homepage": "https://github.com/Brightify/Cuckoo",
7   "license": "MIT",
8   "authors": {
9     "Tadeas Kriz": "tadeas@brightify.org",
10     "Filip Dolnik": "filip@brightify.org",
11     "Adriaan (Arjan) Duijzer": "arjan@nxtstep.nl"
12   },
13   "source": {
14     "git": "https://github.com/Brightify/Cuckoo.git",
15     "tag": "1.2.0"
16   },
17   "platforms": {
18     "ios": "8.0",
19     "osx": "10.9",
20     "tvos": "9.0"
21   },
22   "swift_versions": "4.2",
23   "preserve_paths": [
24     "Generator/**/*",
25     "run",
26     "build_generator",
27     "cuckoo_generator"
28   ],
29   "prepare_command": "curl -Lo cuckoo_generator https://github.com/Brightify/Cuckoo/releases/download/1.2.0/cuckoo_generator\nchmod +x cuckoo_generator",
30   "frameworks": [
31     "XCTest",
32     "Foundation"
33   ],
34   "requires_arc": true,
35   "pod_target_xcconfig": {
36     "ENABLE_BITCODE": "NO",
38   },
39   "default_subspecs": "Swift",
40   "swift_version": "4.2",
41   "subspecs": [
42     {
43       "name": "Swift",
44       "source_files": "Source/**/*.swift"
45     },
46     {
47       "name": "OCMock",
48       "source_files": "OCMock/**/*.{h,m,swift}",
49       "dependencies": {
50         "Cuckoo/Swift": [
52         ],
53         "OCMock": [
54           "3.4.3"
55         ]
56       }
57     }
58   ]