2 "name": "StretchyHeaderViewController",
4 "summary": "View controller with a customizable stretchy header in swift.",
5 "description": "Customizable features:\n - Header title\n - Header subtitle\n - Header image\n - Minimum header height\n - Maximum header height\n - Tint color (title and subtitle color)\n - Title font\n - Subtitle font\n - Text shadow color\n - Text shadow offset\n - Text shadow radius\n - Text shadow opacity\n - ScrollView (can be standard UIScrollView, UITableView or UICollectionView)\n - Collapsing animation speed\n - Expanding animation speed\n\nOther features:\n - \"progress\" variable returns a value between 0 and 1 depending on header progress between its min and max value.\n - expandHeader function to expand the header to its maximum height with specified animation speed.\n - collapseHeader function to collapse the header to its minimum height with specified animation speed.\n\nUsage:\n 1. Delcare StretchyHeaderViewController\n 2. Customize its properties\n 3. Assign a UIScrollView, UITableView or UICollectionView to \"scrollView\" variable\n 4. Call updateHeader() function within viewDidScroll() of the presented scroll/table/collection view delegate.",
6 "homepage": "https://github.com/FQuen/StretchyHeaderViewController",
12 "Frederic Quenneville": "fred.quenneville@gmail.com"
15 "git": "https://github.com/FQuen/StretchyHeaderViewController.git",
21 "source_files": "StretchyHeaderViewController/*",
22 "pushed_with_swift_version": "4.0"