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[CocoaPods.git] / Specs / 0 / 6 / 3 / ZoomVSDKUIToolkitiOS / 1.13.11 / ZoomVSDKUIToolkitiOS.podspec.json
2   "name": "ZoomVSDKUIToolkitiOS",
3   "version": "1.13.11",
4   "summary": "Zoom Video SDK UI Toolkit for iOS",
5   "platforms": {
6     "ios": "12.0"
7   },
8   "description": "The Zoom Video SDK UI Toolkit is a prebuilt video chat user interface powered by the Zoom Video SDK. The UI Toolkit enables you to instantly start using a core set of Video SDK features in your app, including:\n* Join and leave sessions\n* Video on or off\n* Front or back camera\n* Mute and unmute\n* Session chat (group and private)\n* Active speaker and gallery view\n* Participant management (by host and manager roles)\n* Virtual background\n* Portrait and Landscape support\n* Screen sharing (full-screen)\n* Cloud Recording (Additional license required)\n* Live Streaming Support\n* CRC Info and Invite (Additional license required)\n\nTo know more, see: https://developers.zoom.us/docs/video-sdk/ios/ui-toolkit/",
9   "homepage": "https://developers.zoom.us/docs/video-sdk/ios/ui-toolkit/",
10   "documentation_url": "https://developers.zoom.us/docs/video-sdk/ios/ui-toolkit/",
11   "license": {
12     "type": "Zoom Video SDK Terms of Service",
13     "text": "  \n  Use of this SDK is subject to our [License and Terms of Use](https://explore.zoom.us/docs/en-us/video-sdk-terms.html);\n\n"
14   },
15   "authors": "Zoom Video Communications, Inc.",
16   "static_framework": true,
17   "requires_arc": true,
18   "source": {
19     "http": "https://github.com/zoom/videosdk-ui-toolkit-ios/releases/download/v1.13.11/zoom-video-sdk-ui-toolkit-ios.zip",
20     "type": "zip"
21   },
22   "pod_target_xcconfig": {
23     "EXCLUDED_ARCHS[sdk=iphonesimulator*]": "arm64"
24   },
25   "user_target_xcconfig": {
26     "EXCLUDED_ARCHS[sdk=iphonesimulator*]": "arm64"
27   },
28   "subspecs": [
29     {
30       "name": "ZoomVideoSDK",
31       "vendored_frameworks": "zoom-video-sdk-ui-toolkit-ios/ZoomVideoSDK.xcframework"
32     },
33     {
34       "name": "ZoomVideoSDKUIToolkit",
35       "vendored_frameworks": "zoom-video-sdk-ui-toolkit-ios/ZoomVideoSDKUIToolkit.xcframework"
36     },
37     {
38       "name": "ZoomVideoSDKUIToolkitEssential",
39       "vendored_frameworks": "zoom-video-sdk-ui-toolkit-ios/ZoomVideoSDKUIToolkitEssential.xcframework"
40     },
41     {
42       "name": "ZoomVideoSDKScreenShare",
43       "vendored_frameworks": "zoom-video-sdk-ui-toolkit-ios/ZoomVideoSDKScreenShare.xcframework"
44     },
45     {
46       "name": "zoomcml",
47       "vendored_frameworks": "zoom-video-sdk-ui-toolkit-ios/zoomcml.xcframework"
48     },
49     {
50       "name": "CptShare",
51       "vendored_frameworks": "zoom-video-sdk-ui-toolkit-ios/CptShare.xcframework"
52     }
53   ]