2 "name": "THEOplayerSDK-core",
4 "swift_versions": "5.0",
5 "authors": "THEO Technologies",
8 "text": "SEE LICENSE AT https://www.theoplayer.com/terms"
10 "homepage": "https://www.theoplayer.com/docs/theoplayer/ios/",
12 "http": "https://cdn.theoplayer.com/build/sdk-apple/8.8.1/THEOplayerSDK.xcframework.zip"
14 "summary": "THEOplayerSDK brings the universal video player solution created by THEO Technologies to iOS and tvOS.",
15 "description": "THEOplayerSDK brings the universal video player solution created by THEO Technologies to iOS and tvOS, enabling you to quickly deliver cross-platform content playback.",
20 "pod_target_xcconfig": {
22 "vendored_frameworks": "THEOplayerSDK.xcframework",
23 "swift_version": "5.0"