4 "summary": "A framework to simplify building apps using Interface Builder.",
5 "description": "A framework to simplify building apps using Interface Builder.\n\nSome useful resources:\n\n- \"Build an App Like Lego\" tutorials - Steps through building an app visually, by building components, using BFWControls' NibTableViewCell. Assumes no coding or Xcode knowledge. https://medium.com/@barefeettom/build-app-lego-tutorial-1-58de8e84798d\n- Video of presentation at CocoaHeads Sydney (16 minutes): http://www.barefeetware.com/presentation/20181127_CocoaHeads_Sydney.mp4\n- Video of presentation at CocoaHeads New York City (18 minutes): http://www.barefeetware.com/presentation/20180809_Xcode_Lego_NYCCocoaHeads.mp4\n\nBFWControls contains many features to simplify building apps visually, especially when using Interface Builder. Features include:\n- NibReplaceable protocol with NibView, NibTableViewCell classes:\n Loading xib layouts into subclasses with no extra code.\n- Adjustable protocol for UITableView:\n Sticky header and footer that remain stationery while the table scrolls.\n- HidingStackView:\n A stack view that hides any subviews that have invisible contents (eg UILabel.text == nil and UIImageView.image == nil) or a UIStackView subview that has all of its subviews hidden. When a stack view has a hidden subview, it removes it from the arrangedSubviews, so the space it occupied is freed, essentially shrinking any unused space.\n- UIView+NSLayoutConstraint:\n Convenient AutoLayout functions like pinToSuperviewEdges(), pinToSuperview(with inset: CGFloat)\n- StaticTableViewController:\n excludedCells: easy dynamic show/hide cells and sections\n- SegueHandlerType protocol:\n enum SegueIdentifier\n- UIApplication:\n unwindToBackmostViewController()\n- UIViewController+Unwind\n unwindToSelf()\n frontViewController\n- DefaultsHandlerType protocol:\n Expose UserDefaults as named variables",
6 "homepage": "https://bitbucket.org/BareFeetWare/BFWControls",
12 "Tom Brodhurst-Hill": "developer@barefeetware.com"
14 "social_media_url": "http://twitter.com/barefeetware",
18 "swift_versions": "4.2",
20 "git": "https://github.com/BareFeetWare/BFWControls.git",
25 "BFWControls/**/*.{swift,h,m}"
27 "swift_version": "4.2"