2 "name": "LNZCollectionLayouts",
7 "summary": "A swift collection of UICollectionViewLayout subclasses.",
8 "description": "LNZCollectionLayouts is a collection of UICollectionViewLayout subclasses ready to be used to make your collection views custom and more interesting from UX point of view.\nThe layouts currently included are a snap to center layout, an infinite scroll layout and a carousel layout.",
13 "homepage": "https://www.pfrpg.net",
15 "Giuseppe Lanza": "gringoire986@gmail.com"
18 "git": "https://github.com/gringoireDM/LNZCollectionLayouts.git",
21 "frameworks": "UIKit",
22 "source_files": "LNZCollectionLayouts/Layouts/**/*.{swift, h}"