2 "name": "CCNavigationBar",
4 "summary": "A color Changeable NavigationBar",
5 "description": "A simple and loose coupling solution for the bizarre effect of system navigationBar when poping by draging gesture from the lefe edge.\n\nEach viewController will has its own navigationBar as its subView and the navigationBar of navigationControllers are set translucent.\n\nBy this way, there would be a clear seperation when poping by gesture and without dealing with the mass of back button and titleText as there are still jobs of system. Besides, you can also change its color whenever you want by simply chaning navigationBarColor",
6 "homepage": "https://github.com/g-enius/CCNavigationBar",
12 "g-enius": "chaowangbuaa@gmail.com"
15 "git": "https://github.com/g-enius/CCNavigationBar.git",
21 "source_files": "CCNavigationBar/Classes/**/*"