4 "summary": "LWF (Lightweight SWF) is an open-source framework for importing Adobe Flash animations into iOS UIKit, HTML5, Cocos2d-x, Unity, and more.",
5 "description": " LWF is an animation engine which can play animation data converted from FLASH contents in HTML5, Unity, Cocos2d-x, iOS UIKit, and more. LWF is designed to make game development easy and fun.\n",
6 "homepage": "http://gree.github.io/lwf/",
8 "http://gree.github.io/lwf/images/LWF-logo.png",
9 "http://forum.unity3d.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=40904&d=1353390787"
16 "Kazuki Sakamoto": "sakamoto@splhack.org"
19 "git": "https://github.com/gree/lwf.git",
31 "CLANG_CXX_LIBRARY": "libc++"
34 "requires_arc": false,
39 "cplusplus/core/*.{cpp,h}",
40 "cplusplus/supports/lzma/*.{c,h}"
42 "public_header_files": "cplusplus/core/*.h"
51 "source_files": "cplusplus/uikit/*.{m,mm,h}",
52 "public_header_files": "cplusplus/uikit/*.h",