2 "name": "PocketSocket",
4 "license": "Apache 2.0",
5 "summary": "Objective-C websocket client/server library for building things that work in realtime on iOS and OS X.",
6 "description": "Objective-C websocket client/server library. Conforms fully to RFC6455 websocket protocol, support for websocket compression via the permessage-deflate extension, passes all ~355 Autobahn tests with 100% compliance and comes with a driver level BYO networking API.",
7 "homepage": "https://github.com/zwopple/PocketSocket",
9 "Robert Payne": "robert@zwopple.com"
12 "git": "https://github.com/zwopple/PocketSocket.git",
21 "public_header_files": [
22 "PocketSocket/PSWebSocket.h",
23 "PocketSocket/PSWebSocketDriver.h",
24 "PocketSocket/PSWebSocketTypes.h",
25 "PocketSocket/PSWebSocketServer.h"
27 "source_files": "PocketSocket/PS*.{h,m,c}",