2 "name": "BeaconBlockchainSubstrate",
4 "summary": "Beacon is an implementation of the wallet interaction standard tzip-10 which describes the connection of a dApp with a wallet. BeaconBlockchainSubstrate provides a set of messages, utility functions and other components specific for Substrate blockchains.",
5 "description": "Beacon is an implementation of the Tezos wallet interaction standard tzip-10 which describes the connection of a dApp with a wallet. BeaconBlockchainSubstrate provides a set of messages, utility functions and other components specific for Substrate blockchains.",
6 "homepage": "https://walletbeacon.io",
12 "Julia Samol": "j.samol@papers.ch"
18 "git": "https://github.com/airgap-it/beacon-ios-sdk.git",
21 "source_files": "Sources/BlockchainSubstrate/**/*.{swift}",