[Add] AmpMux 9.3.2
[CocoaPods.git] / Specs / 1 / b / 3 / SightCallVisionSDK / 5.4.1 / SightCallVisionSDK.podspec.json
2   "name": "SightCallVisionSDK",
3   "homepage": "https://github.com/sightcall/visionsdktestapp",
4   "authors": {
5     "sightcall": "developer@sightcall.com"
6   },
7   "version": "5.4.1",
8   "source": {
9     "http": "https://sightcall-ios-cocoapods.s3.amazonaws.com/SightCallVisionSDK/5.4.1/vsdk.zip"
10   },
11   "documentation_url": "https://github.com/sightcall/iOS-Documentation/blob/main/README.md",
12   "swift_versions": "5.8",
13   "platforms": {
14     "ios": "14.0"
15   },
16   "summary": "The VisionSDK to integrate SightCall services into your iOS and iPadOS applications",
17   "description": "SightCall is an enterprise-grade video cloud platform helping service leaders improve outcomes without deploying unnecessary support to the field. We blend the digital and physical worlds into a real-time collaborative environment that empowers technicians, reduces spend and improves the customer experience.",
18   "license": {
19     "type": "Copyright",
20     "text": "                                ©SightCall 2024. All rights reserved.\n"
21   },
22   "subspecs": [
23     {
24       "name": "AdvancedAnnotations",
25       "vendored_frameworks": "AdvancedAnnotations.xcframework",
26       "dependencies": {
27         "SightCallVisionSDK/SVGgh": [
29         ]
30       }
31     },
32     {
33       "name": "ApplicationModel",
34       "vendored_frameworks": "ApplicationModel.xcframework"
35     },
36     {
37       "name": "CocoaLumberjack",
38       "vendored_frameworks": "CocoaLumberjack.xcframework"
39     },
40     {
41       "name": "CodeScanner",
42       "vendored_frameworks": "CodeScanner.xcframework"
43     },
44     {
45       "name": "Common",
46       "vendored_frameworks": "Common.xcframework"
47     },
48     {
49       "name": "CommonObjC",
50       "vendored_frameworks": "CommonObjC.xcframework"
51     },
52     {
53       "name": "DigitalFlow",
54       "vendored_frameworks": "DigitalFlow.xcframework"
55     },
56     {
57       "name": "FileUpload",
58       "vendored_frameworks": "FileUpload.xcframework"
59     },
60     {
61       "name": "Gzip",
62       "vendored_frameworks": "Gzip.xcframework"
63     },
64     {
65       "name": "LSUniversalBase",
66       "vendored_frameworks": "LSUniversalBase.xcframework"
67     },
68     {
69       "name": "LSUniversalSDK",
70       "vendored_frameworks": "LSUniversalSDK.xcframework"
71     },
72     {
73       "name": "LiveTranslation",
74       "vendored_frameworks": "LiveTranslation.xcframework"
75     },
76     {
77       "name": "LocationCapture",
78       "vendored_frameworks": "LocationCapture.xcframework"
79     },
80     {
81       "name": "MediaCapture",
82       "vendored_frameworks": "MediaCapture.xcframework",
83       "dependencies": {
84         "SightCallVisionSDK/Permissions": [
86         ]
87       }
88     },
89     {
90       "name": "Meeting",
91       "vendored_frameworks": "Meeting.xcframework"
92     },
93     {
94       "name": "MuclWrapper",
95       "vendored_frameworks": "MuclWrapper.xcframework"
96     },
97     {
98       "name": "Multiparty",
99       "vendored_frameworks": "Multiparty.xcframework"
100     },
101     {
102       "name": "mucl",
103       "vendored_frameworks": "mucl.xcframework"
104     },
105     {
106       "name": "OCRCapture",
107       "vendored_frameworks": "OCRCapture.xcframework"
108     },
109     {
110       "name": "Permissions",
111       "vendored_frameworks": "Permissions.xcframework"
112     },
113     {
114       "name": "QualityOfService",
115       "vendored_frameworks": "QualityOfService.xcframework"
116     },
117     {
118       "name": "Rtcc",
119       "vendored_frameworks": "Rtcc.xcframework",
120       "dependencies": {
121         "SightCallVisionSDK/mucl": [
123         ]
124       }
125     },
126     {
127       "name": "RtccUtils",
128       "vendored_frameworks": "RtccUtils.xcframework"
129     },
130     {
131       "name": "SightcallAI",
132       "vendored_frameworks": "SightcallAI.xcframework"
133     },
134     {
135       "name": "SightcallVision",
136       "vendored_frameworks": "SightcallVision.xcframework"
137     },
138     {
139       "name": "SmartMeasure",
140       "vendored_frameworks": "SmartMeasure.xcframework"
141     },
142     {
143       "name": "SVGgh",
144       "vendored_frameworks": "SVGgh.xcframework"
145     },
146     {
147       "name": "VisualAssistanceCore",
148       "vendored_frameworks": "VisualAssistanceCore.xcframework"
149     },
150     {
151       "name": "VisualAssistanceCoreObjC",
152       "vendored_frameworks": "VisualAssistanceCoreObjC.xcframework"
153     },
154     {
155       "name": "Wormhole",
156       "vendored_frameworks": "Wormhole.xcframework"
157     },
158     {
159       "name": "ZipArchive",
160       "vendored_frameworks": "ZipArchive.xcframework"
161     },
162     {
163       "name": "Core",
164       "vendored_frameworks": "SightcallVision.xcframework",
165       "dependencies": {
166         "AFNetworking/NSURLSession": [
167           "~> 4"
168         ],
169         "SightCallVisionSDK/CocoaLumberjack": [
171         ],
172         "SightCallVisionSDK/AdvancedAnnotations": [
174         ],
175         "SightCallVisionSDK/ApplicationModel": [
177         ],
178         "SightCallVisionSDK/CodeScanner": [
180         ],
181         "SightCallVisionSDK/DigitalFlow": [
183         ],
184         "SightCallVisionSDK/FileUpload": [
186         ],
187         "SightCallVisionSDK/LiveTranslation": [
189         ],
190         "SightCallVisionSDK/LocationCapture": [
192         ],
193         "SightCallVisionSDK/LSUniversalBase": [
195         ],
196         "SightCallVisionSDK/LSUniversalSDK": [
198         ],
199         "SightCallVisionSDK/MediaCapture": [
201         ],
202         "SightCallVisionSDK/Meeting": [
204         ],
205         "SightCallVisionSDK/MuclWrapper": [
207         ],
208         "SightCallVisionSDK/Multiparty": [
210         ],
211         "SightCallVisionSDK/OCRCapture": [
213         ],
214         "SightCallVisionSDK/Permissions": [
216         ],
217         "SightCallVisionSDK/QualityOfService": [
219         ],
220         "SightCallVisionSDK/mucl": [
222         ],
223         "SightCallVisionSDK/Rtcc": [
225         ],
226         "SightCallVisionSDK/RtccUtils": [
228         ],
229         "SightCallVisionSDK/SightcallAI": [
231         ],
232         "SightCallVisionSDK/SmartMeasure": [
234         ],
235         "SightCallVisionSDK/SVGgh": [
237         ],
238         "SightCallVisionSDK/Wormhole": [
240         ],
241         "SightCallVisionSDK/Common": [
243         ],
244         "SightCallVisionSDK/CommonObjC": [
246         ],
247         "SightCallVisionSDK/VisualAssistanceCore": [
249         ],
250         "SightCallVisionSDK/VisualAssistanceCoreObjC": [
252         ]
253       }
254     }
255   ],
256   "swift_version": "5.8"