2 "name": "MappSDKGeotargeting",
4 "cocoapods_version": ">= 1.10",
5 "summary": "Mapp SDK Geotargeting enables developers to harnest the full power of Mapp Geotargeted messaging on their iOS applications.",
6 "description": "Mapp SDK Geotargeting enables push messaging in your iOS application, for engaging your application users and increasing retention.",
7 "homepage": "https://mapp.com",
10 "file": "MappLicence.txt"
13 "Mapp Digital": "https://mapp.com/contact-us/"
16 "git": "https://github.com/MappCloud/MappSDKGeotargeting.git",
19 "pod_target_xcconfig": {
21 "VALID_ARCHS[sdk=iphonesimulator*]": "x86_64 i386",
22 "VALID_ARCHS[sdk=iphoneos*]": "arm64"
25 "frameworks": "CoreLocation",
26 "libraries": "sqlite3",
27 "vendored_frameworks": "SDK/AppoxeeLocationServices.xcframework"
32 "preserve_paths": "SDK/AppoxeeLocationServices.xcframework",