4 "summary": "This library is helping me to find what is my current size for particular products like, Skirt, T-shirts, Tops, and others.",
5 "description": "TODO: This library is helping me to find what is my current size for particular products like, Skirt, T-shirts, Tops, and others.",
6 "homepage": "https://github.com/miqyastech/sizeit-iOS",
12 "miqyastech": "abdulla@miqyas.net"
15 "git": "https://github.com/miqyastech/sizeit-iOS.git",
18 "module_name": "sizeit",
22 "swift_versions": "4.0",
23 "frameworks": "UIKit",
31 "ReachabilitySwift": [
34 "AlamofireSwiftyJSON": [
40 "IQKeyboardManagerSwift": [
44 "source_files": "Sizeit/**/*.{swift,strings}",
45 "resources": "Sizeit/**/*.{png,jpeg,jpg,storyboard,xib,xcassets,ttf}",
46 "swift_version": "4.0"