2 "name": "ObjectMapper_RealmSwift",
4 "summary": "Helps to parse RealmSwift List<Class>() and RealmOptional<T>() properties with ObjectMapper framework.",
5 "description": "ObjectMapper (https://github.com/Hearst-DD/ObjectMapper) is a great tool to map entities. \nBut there are no functional to map directly to realm objects. \nObjectMapper_RealmSwift helps to parse List<Class>() and RealmOptional<T>() properties with ObjectMapper framework and store them correctly \nwithout \"Transforms\".",
6 "homepage": "https://github.com/NikKovIos/ObjectMapper_RealmSwift",
12 "Nik Kov": "nikkovios@gmail.com"
15 "git": "https://github.com/NikKovIos/ObjectMapper_RealmSwift.git",
21 "source_files": "ObjectMapper_RealmSwift/Classes/**/*",
22 "frameworks": "UIKit",
31 "pushed_with_swift_version": "3.0"