[Add] OpacityCore 3.23.6
[CocoaPods.git] / Specs / 2 / 1 / 0 / TapTalk / 1.2.2 / TapTalk.podspec.json
2   "name": "TapTalk",
3   "version": "1.2.2",
4   "summary": "TapTalk.io is a complete in-app chat SDK and messaging API. TapTalk.io provides UI-based and code-based implementation & fully customizable.",
5   "homepage": "https://taptalk.io",
6   "license": "MIT",
7   "authors": {
8     "Ritchie Nathaniel": "ritchie@taptalk.io",
9     "Dominic Vedericho": "dominic@taptalk.io"
10   },
11   "platforms": {
12     "ios": "11.0"
13   },
14   "source": {
15     "git": "https://github.com/taptalk-io/taptalk.io-ios.git",
16     "tag": "1.2.2"
17   },
18   "source_files": [
19     "TapTalk",
20     "TapTalk/*{h,m}",
21     "TapTalk/**/*.{h,m}",
22     "TapTalk/**/**/*.{h,m}"
23   ],
24   "static_framework": true,
25   "dependencies": {
26     "AFNetworking": [
27       "~> 4.0.0"
28     ],
29     "SocketRocket": [
31     ],
32     "JSONModel": [
33       "~> 1.1"
34     ],
35     "Realm": [
36       "3.13.1"
37     ],
38     "SDWebImage": [
40     ],
41     "PodAsset": [
43     ],
44     "GooglePlaces": [
46     ],
47     "GoogleMaps": [
49     ],
50     "ZSWTappableLabel": [
51       "~> 2.0"
52     ]
53   },
54   "prefix_header_contents": [
55     "#import \"Configs.h\"",
56     "#import \"TAPStyle.h\"",
57     "#import \"AFNetworkActivityIndicatorManager.h\"",
58     "#import \"NSBundle+Language.h\"",
59     "#import \"NSUserDefaults+MPSecureUserDefaults.h\"",
60     "#import \"PodAsset.h\"",
61     "#import \"TapTalk.h\"",
62     "#import \"TapUI.h\"",
63     "#import \"TAPUtil.h\"",
64     "#import \"TapCoreChatRoomManager.h\"",
65     "#import \"TapCoreContactManager.h\"",
66     "#import \"TapCoreErrorManager.h\"",
67     "#import \"TapCoreMessageManager.h\"",
68     "#import \"TapCoreRoomListManager.h\"",
69     "#import \"TAPChatManager.h\"",
70     "#import \"TAPConnectionManager.h\"",
71     "#import \"TAPContactManager.h\"",
72     "#import \"TAPContactCacheManager.h\"",
73     "#import \"TAPCustomBubbleManager.h\"",
74     "#import \"TAPDataManager.h\"",
75     "#import \"TAPDatabaseManager.h\"",
76     "#import \"TAPEncryptorManager.h\"",
77     "#import \"TAPFetchMediaManager.h\"",
78     "#import \"TAPFileDownloadManager.h\"",
79     "#import \"TAPFileUploadManager.h\"",
80     "#import \"TAPLanguageManager.h\"",
81     "#import \"TAPGroupManager.h\"",
82     "#import \"TAPLocationManager.h\"",
83     "#import \"TAPMessageStatusManager.h\"",
84     "#import \"TAPNetworkManager.h\"",
85     "#import \"TAPNotificationManager.h\"",
86     "#import \"TAPOldDataManager.h\"",
87     "#import \"TAPStyleManager.h\"",
88     "#import \"TAPGrowingTextView.h\"",
89     "#import \"TAPImageView.h\"",
90     "#import \"TAPSearchBarView.h\"",
91     "#import \"UIImage+Color.h\""
92   ],
93   "resource_bundles": {
94     "TapTalk": [
95       "Pod/**/*.xib",
96       "Pod/**/*.storyboard",
97       "Pod/**/*.{png,jpeg,jpg,xcassets,ttf,otf,caf}",
98       "TapTalk/**/*.xib",
99       "TapTalk/**/*.storyboard",
100       "TapTalk/**/*.{png,jpeg,jpg,xcassets,ttf,otf,caf}",
101       "TapTalk/*.lproj/*.strings"
102     ]
103   }