[Add] AirshipServiceExtension 19.0.2
[CocoaPods.git] / Specs / 2 / 4 / e / CorePlot / 2.3 / CorePlot.podspec.json
2   "name": "CorePlot",
3   "version": "2.3",
4   "license": "BSD",
5   "summary": "Cocoa plotting framework for macOS, iOS, and tvOS.",
6   "homepage": "https://github.com/core-plot",
7   "social_media_url": "https://twitter.com/CorePlot",
8   "documentation_url": "http://core-plot.github.io",
9   "authors": {
10     "Drew McCormack": "drewmccormack@mac.com",
11     "Brad Larson": "larson@sunsetlakesoftware.com",
12     "Eric Skroch": "eskroch@mac.com",
13     "Barry Wark": "barrywark@gmail.com"
14   },
15   "source": {
16     "git": "https://github.com/core-plot/core-plot.git",
17     "tag": "release_2.3"
18   },
19   "description": "Core Plot is a plotting framework for macOS, iOS, and tvOS. It provides 2D visualization of data, and is tightly integrated with Apple technologies like Core Animation, Core Data, and Cocoa Bindings.",
20   "platforms": {
21     "ios": "8.0",
22     "osx": "10.8",
23     "tvos": "9.0"
24   },
25   "ios": {
26     "header_dir": "ios",
27     "source_files": [
28       "framework/CorePlot-CocoaTouch.h",
29       "framework/iPhoneOnly/*.{h,m}"
30     ],
31     "xcconfig": {
32       "HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS": "\"${PODS_ROOT}/Headers/Private/CorePlot/ios\""
33     },
34     "frameworks": [
35       "UIKit",
36       "Foundation"
37     ]
38   },
39   "osx": {
40     "header_dir": "osx",
41     "source_files": "framework/MacOnly/*.{h,m}",
42     "xcconfig": {
43       "HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS": "\"${PODS_ROOT}/Headers/Private/CorePlot/osx\""
44     },
45     "frameworks": "Cocoa"
46   },
47   "tvos": {
48     "header_dir": "tvos",
49     "source_files": "framework/iPhoneOnly/*.{h,m}",
50     "xcconfig": {
51       "HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS": "\"${PODS_ROOT}/Headers/Private/CorePlot/tvos\""
52     },
53     "frameworks": [
54       "UIKit",
55       "Foundation"
56     ]
57   },
58   "source_files": [
59     "framework/Source/*.{h,m}",
60     "framework/CocoaPods/*.h"
61   ],
62   "exclude_files": [
63     "**/*{TestCase,Tests}.{h,m}",
64     "**/mainpage.h"
65   ],
66   "private_header_files": "**/_*.h",
67   "requires_arc": true,
68   "frameworks": "QuartzCore"