2 "name": "AstroCocoaKit",
4 "summary": "AstroCocoaKit is a small kit for manipulating basic astronomical quantities in Obj-C",
5 "description": " AstroCocoaKit is the successor of the AstroCocoaPackage. It is used\n by QLFits3 and the new versions of onekiloparsec's apps.\n\n AstroCocoaKit provides basic manipulations of some usual astronomical\n quantities, coordinates etc in Objective-C.\n",
6 "homepage": "https://github.com/onekiloparsec/AstroCocoaKit",
9 "Cédric Foellmi": "cedric@onekilopars.ec"
11 "social_media_url": "http://twitter.com/onekiloparsec",
16 "git": "https://github.com/onekiloparsec/AstroCocoaKit.git",
21 "AstroCocoaKit/**/*.{c,h,m}"
23 "public_header_files": "Classes/**/*.h",
24 "frameworks": "Foundation",