2 "name": "ArtSignProSdk",
11 "homepage": "https://github.com/o0starshine0o/iOS-ArtSignProDemo",
13 "AbelHu": "tohys@qq.com"
15 "summary": "The core function of ArtSignPro",
16 "description": "The core function of ArtSignPro.With this sdk,you can offer expert sign to your users,at the same time you will share the amount of the charge",
24 "EZSwiftExtensions": [
42 "IQKeyboardManager": [
45 "AutoLayoutTextViews": [
50 "git": "https://github.com/o0starshine0o/iOS-ArtSignPro_Sdk.git",
59 "pushed_with_swift_version": "3.0",
67 "resources": "Resources/**/*.*",
68 "private_header_files": "Headers/*.h",
70 "ArtSignProSdk/Pay": [
79 "lib/Dependencies/Network/*.h"
81 "public_header_files": [
83 "lib/Dependencies/Network/*.h"
85 "vendored_libraries": [
87 "lib/Dependencies/Network/*.a"
89 "resources": "lib/*.bundle",
92 "SystemConfiguration",
103 "OTHER_LDFLAGS": "-ObjC"
108 "vendored_libraries": "lib/Channels/Alipay/*.a",
110 "vendored_frameworks": "lib/Channels/Alipay/AlipaySDK.framework"
112 "resources": "lib/Channels/Alipay/AlipaySDK.bundle",
118 "ArtSignProSdk/Pay": [
126 "ArtSignProSdk/Pay": [