2 "name": "EbizuPublisherSDK-Lite",
4 "summary": "The Ebizu SDK is a powerful plugin that you can add to your app to enable you to quickly connect and deploy campaigns from the cloud",
5 "description": "The Ebizu SDK is a powerful plugin that you can add to your app to enable you to quickly connect and deploy campaigns from the cloud, and enrich your apps with location and proximity context.",
6 "homepage": "http://www.ebizu.com",
8 "authors": "Ebizu, Inc.",
13 "http": "http://gitlab.ebizu.com/taufik/Ebizu-app-publisher-lite-ios-sdk/raw/master/Data/EbizuPublisherSDK-Lite.zip",
16 "vendored_frameworks": "Frameworks/EbizuSDK-Lite.framework",