2 "name": "SPStackedNav",
4 "summary": "UINavigationController drop-in replacement with stacks of panes, like Spotify or old Twitter.",
5 "description": " SPStackedNavigationController is a UINavigationController drop-in replacement,\n which represents its content in stacks of panes, rather than one at a time.\n This interface trend was started by Loren Brichter in Tweetie for iPad, and\n has spread to many apps in many variations since.\n\n There are two main advantages to this approach:\n\n * You can display two pieces of main content at once, allowing you to\n navigate in one while using content in the other.\n * Navigation is direct instead of indirect, which is faster and more\n intuitive to use. You actually grab the UI and *pull* it to where you want\n it. In contrast, a standard navigation controller requires you to find and\n tap a button with an abstract \"back\" concept.\n\n The main drawback is that you should no longer use horizontal gestures, as\n they will interfere with navigation, or the other way around.\n",
6 "homepage": "http://github.com/spotify/SPStackedNav",
7 "screenshots": "http://f.cl.ly/items/2H2p0b1H3A2K3T0E040u/mzl.lmmfkkux.480x480-75.jpg",
13 "Joachim Bengtsson": "nevyn@spotify.com"
15 "social_media_url": "http://twitter.com/nevyn",
20 "git": "https://github.com/spotify/SPStackedNav.git",
27 "public_header_files": "include/SPStackedNav/*.h",
28 "preserve_paths": "include",