4 "summary": "AnyoneKit is the easiest way to embed the Anyone network in your iOS and macOS application.",
5 "description": "AnyoneKit is the easiest way to embed the Anyone network in your iOS and macOS application. Currently, the framework compiles in static versions of anon, libevent, openssl, and liblzma.",
6 "homepage": "https://github.com/anyone-protocol/AnyoneKit",
12 "Benjamin Erhart": "berhart@netzarchitekten.com"
15 "git": "https://github.com/anyone-protocol/AnyoneKit.git",
19 "social_media_url": "https://chaos.social/@tla",
25 "source_files": "AnyoneKit/Classes/**/*",
28 "AnyoneKit/Assets/geoip",
29 "AnyoneKit/Assets/geoip6"
32 "vendored_frameworks": "anon.xcframework",
34 "pod_target_xcconfig": {
35 "HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS": "$(inherited) \"${PODS_TARGET_SRCROOT}/anon.xcframework/ios-arm64/anon.framework/Headers\""
38 "build-xcframework.sh",
40 "AnyoneKit/download.sh"
42 "prepare_command": "AnyoneKit/download.sh v409.8.1"