[Add] DocumentReaderFullAuthRFIDNightly 7.6.11080
[CocoaPods.git] / Specs / 3 / 1 / 8 / FirebaseFirestoreInternal / 10.22.0 / FirebaseFirestoreInternal.podspec.json
2   "name": "FirebaseFirestoreInternal",
3   "version": "10.22.0",
4   "summary": "Google Cloud Firestore",
5   "description": "Google Cloud Firestore is a NoSQL document database built for automatic scaling, high performance, and ease of application development.",
6   "homepage": "https://developers.google.com/",
7   "license": {
8     "type": "Apache-2.0",
9     "file": "Firestore/LICENSE"
10   },
11   "authors": "Google, Inc.",
12   "source": {
13     "git": "https://github.com/firebase/firebase-ios-sdk.git",
14     "tag": "CocoaPods-10.22.0"
15   },
16   "platforms": {
17     "ios": "11.0",
18     "osx": "10.13",
19     "tvos": "12.0"
20   },
21   "swift_versions": "5.3",
22   "cocoapods_version": ">= 1.12.0",
23   "prefix_header_file": false,
24   "public_header_files": "Firestore/Source/Public/FirebaseFirestore/*.h",
25   "source_files": [
26     "FirebaseCore/Extension/*.h",
27     "Firestore/Source/Public/FirebaseFirestore/*.h",
28     "Firestore/Source/**/*.{m,mm}",
29     "Firestore/Protos/nanopb/**/*.cc",
30     "Firestore/core/include/**/*.{cc,mm}",
31     "Firestore/core/src/**/*.{cc,mm}",
32     "FirebaseAuth/Interop/*.h"
33   ],
34   "preserve_paths": [
35     "Firestore/Source/API/*.h",
36     "Firestore/Source/Core/*.h",
37     "Firestore/Source/Local/*.h",
38     "Firestore/Source/Remote/*.h",
39     "Firestore/Source/Util/*.h",
40     "Firestore/Protos/nanopb/**/*.h",
41     "Firestore/core/include/**/*.h",
42     "Firestore/core/src/**/*.h",
43     "Firestore/third_party/nlohmann_json/json.hpp"
44   ],
45   "requires_arc": [
46     "Firestore/Source/**/*",
47     "Firestore/core/src/**/*.mm"
48   ],
49   "exclude_files": [
50     "Firestore/core/src/api/input_validation_std.cc",
51     "Firestore/core/src/remote/connectivity_monitor_noop.cc",
52     "Firestore/core/src/util/filesystem_win.cc",
53     "Firestore/core/src/util/hard_assert_stdio.cc",
54     "Firestore/core/src/util/log_stdio.cc",
55     "Firestore/core/src/util/secure_random_openssl.cc"
56   ],
57   "resource_bundles": {
58     "FirebaseFirestoreInternal_Privacy": "Firestore/Source/Resources/PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy"
59   },
60   "dependencies": {
61     "FirebaseAppCheckInterop": [
62       "~> 10.17"
63     ],
64     "FirebaseCore": [
65       "~> 10.0"
66     ],
67     "abseil/algorithm": [
68       "~> 1.20220623.0"
69     ],
70     "abseil/base": [
71       "~> 1.20220623.0"
72     ],
73     "abseil/container/flat_hash_map": [
74       "~> 1.20220623.0"
75     ],
76     "abseil/memory": [
77       "~> 1.20220623.0"
78     ],
79     "abseil/meta": [
80       "~> 1.20220623.0"
81     ],
82     "abseil/strings/strings": [
83       "~> 1.20220623.0"
84     ],
85     "abseil/time": [
86       "~> 1.20220623.0"
87     ],
88     "abseil/types": [
89       "~> 1.20220623.0"
90     ],
91     "gRPC-C++": [
92       "~> 1.49.1"
93     ],
94     "leveldb-library": [
95       "~> 1.22"
96     ],
97     "nanopb": [
98       ">= 2.30908.0",
99       "< 2.30911.0"
100     ]
101   },
102   "ios": {
103     "frameworks": [
104       "SystemConfiguration",
105       "UIKit"
106     ]
107   },
108   "osx": {
109     "frameworks": "SystemConfiguration"
110   },
111   "tvos": {
112     "frameworks": [
113       "SystemConfiguration",
114       "UIKit"
115     ]
116   },
117   "libraries": "c++",
118   "pod_target_xcconfig": {
120     "CLANG_CXX_LIBRARY": "libc++",
121     "GCC_C_LANGUAGE_STANDARD": "c99",
123     "HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS": "\"${PODS_TARGET_SRCROOT}\" \"${PODS_TARGET_SRCROOT}/Firestore/Source/Public\" \"${PODS_ROOT}/nanopb\" \"${PODS_TARGET_SRCROOT}/Firestore/Protos/nanopb\""
124   },
125   "compiler_flags": "$(inherited) -Wreorder -Werror=reorder -Wno-comma",
126   "swift_version": "5.3"