2 "name": "RxFirestoreExecutor",
4 "summary": "RxFirestoreExecutor is a simplified way to work Firebase/Firestore Queries.",
5 "description": "RxFirestoreExecutor uses \"MOYA-like\" structure to simplify query workflow. It's also handle response from Firestore via RxSwift.\nIt's replace a lot of boilerplate code for creating queries and handle them with Firebase/Firestore Library.",
6 "swift_version": "4.2",
7 "homepage": "https://github.com/anodamobi/RxFirestoreExecutor/",
13 "Pavel Mosunov": "pavel.mosunov@anoda.mobi"
16 "git": "https://github.com/anodamobi/RxFirestoreExecutor.git",
22 "static_framework": true,
24 "FirebaseQueryExecutor/Classes/*",
25 "FirebaseQueryExecutor/Classes/**/*"
28 "Firebase/Firestore": [