[Add] RegulaCommonNightly 7.5.939
[CocoaPods.git] / Specs / 3 / a / 9 / Kobold2D / 2.1.0 / Kobold2D.podspec.json
2   "name": "Kobold2D",
3   "version": "2.1.0",
4   "summary": "An extended and improved version of the popular Cocos2D for iPhone game engine.",
5   "homepage": "http://www.kobold2d.com/display/KKSITE/Home",
6   "license": {
7     "type": "MIT",
8     "file": "LICENSE-Kobold2D.txt"
9   },
10   "authors": {
11     "Steffen Itterheim": "steffen@learn-cocos2d.com"
12   },
13   "source": {
14     "git": "https://github.com/devknoll/Kobold2D.git",
15     "tag": "2.1.0"
16   },
17   "platforms": {
18     "ios": "5.0"
19   },
20   "source_files": [
21     "kobold2d",
22     "kobold2d/**/*.{h,m,mm,c,cpp}"
23   ],
24   "frameworks": [
25     "iAd"
26   ],
27   "requires_arc": false,
28   "subspecs": [
29     {
30       "name": "bitarray_c",
31       "source_files": "libs/bitarray_c"
32     },
33     {
34       "name": "box2d",
35       "source_files": "libs/Box2D/Box2D/**/*.{h,m,mm,c,cpp}",
36       "header_mappings_dir": "libs/Box2D/Box2D",
37       "header_dir": "../Box2D"
38     },
39     {
40       "name": "VTPG",
41       "source_files": "libs/VTPG/**/*.{h,m,mm,c,cpp}",
42       "exclude_files": "libs/VTPG/Mac OS X/",
43       "header_mappings_dir": "libs/VTPG",
44       "header_dir": "../VTPG"
45     },
46     {
47       "name": "lua",
48       "source_files": "libs/lua/src/**/*.{h,m,mm,c,cpp}",
49       "header_mappings_dir": "libs/lua/src",
50       "header_dir": "../lua"
51     },
52     {
53       "name": "cocos2d-iphone",
54       "subspecs": [
55         {
56           "name": "CocosDenshion",
57           "source_files": "libs/cocos2d-iphone/CocosDenshion/*.{h,m,mm,c,cpp}",
58           "header_mappings_dir": "libs/cocos2d-iphone/CocosDenshion/",
59           "header_dir": "../CocosDenshion"
60         },
61         {
62           "name": "libpng",
63           "source_files": "libs/cocos2d-iphone/external/libpng/*.{h,m,mm,c,cpp}",
64           "exclude_files": [
65             "libs/cocos2d-iphone/external/libpng/pngtest.c",
66             "libs/cocos2d-iphone/external/libpng/example.c"
67           ],
68           "header_mappings_dir": "libs/cocos2d-iphone/external/libpng/",
69           "header_dir": "../libpng"
70         },
71         {
72           "name": "kazmath",
73           "source_files": "libs/cocos2d-iphone/external/kazmath/{src,include}/**/*.{h,m,mm,c,cpp}",
74           "header_mappings_dir": "libs/cocos2d-iphone/external/kazmath/include/kazmath",
75           "header_dir": "../kazmath"
76         },
77         {
78           "name": "cocos2d",
79           "source_files": "libs/cocos2d-iphone/cocos2d/**/*.{h,m,mm,c,cpp}",
80           "header_mappings_dir": "libs/cocos2d-iphone/cocos2d/",
81           "header_dir": "../cocos2d",
82           "frameworks": [
83             "OpenGLES",
84             "OpenAL",
85             "AVFoundation",
86             "AudioToolbox",
87             "QuartzCore",
88             "GameKit"
89           ],
90           "libraries": "z"
91         }
92       ]
93     }
94   ]