4 "summary": "A simple yet powerful App Sharing Manager for iOS in Swift 3. Get your App viral now.",
5 "description": "A simple yet powerful App Sharing Manager for iOS in Swift.\n* 100% Swift 3\n* Fully Configurable at Runtime\n* Default Localizations for Dozens of Languages\n* Easy to Setup",
6 "homepage": "https://github.com/grizzly/AppShare",
12 "Grizzly": "st.mayr@grizzlynt.com"
19 "git": "https://github.com/grizzly/AppShare.git",
23 "source_files": "AppShare/**/*.{h,swift}",
26 "AppShareRessources": [
27 "AppShareRessources.bundle/*"
31 "pushed_with_swift_version": "3.0"