2 "name": "SBBannerView",
4 "summary": "A handy fully customised banner that could be used to as an internet connection indicator, notification alerts, success messages and so much more!",
5 "description": "Fully Customizable (Font, Width, Height, fontColor and many more!) one liner banner, just provide your values and let it do its work 🧙🏻♀️",
6 "homepage": "https://github.com/Sanadbarjawi/SBBannerView.git",
8 "https://github.com/Sanadbarjawi/SBBannerView/blob/main/Readme-Assets/duration/temp.gif",
9 "https://github.com/Sanadbarjawi/SBBannerView/blob/main/Readme-Assets/positions/bottom.gif"
15 "Sanad.b": "sanadbarj@gmail.com"
21 "git": "https://github.com/Sanadbarjawi/SBBannerView.git",
24 "vendored_frameworks": "SBBannerView.xcframework"