2 "name": "ZNPopoverView",
4 "summary": "A popover view which points to its origin and displays over curren view.",
5 "swift_version": "4.2",
6 "description": "A popover view which points to its origin and displays over curren view. A popover view which points to its origin and displays over curren view. A popover view which points to its origin and displays over curren view. A popover view which points to its origin and displays over curren view. A popover view which points to its origin and displays over curren view. A popover view which points to its origin and displays over curren view.",
7 "homepage": "https://github.com/zaindigitify/ZNPopoverView",
13 "zaindigitify": "zain@digitify.com"
16 "git": "https://zaindigitify@bitbucket.org/zaindigitify/znpopoverview.git",
22 "source_files": "ZNPopoverView/Classes/**/*"