2 "name": "YDRootNavigationController",
4 "summary": "Supports setting the global default navigation bar style, and supports each view controller to have its own navigation bar style.",
5 "description": "More and more applications, while having a global navigation bar style, also require each view controller to customize the navigation bar style.\n\nThis project just helps developers to solve this problem in an efficient way, developers use this navigation controller in a simple way, just like you used to set the status bar of the view controller, and\nYou can provide a separate navigation bar style for each view controller, including slide back gestures, status bar styles, tab bar show and hide states, and more.",
6 "homepage": "https://github.com/heroyoungday/YDRootNavigationController",
12 "jsone": "heroyoungday@gmail.com"
15 "git": "https://github.com/heroyoungday/YDRootNavigationController.git",
21 "swift_versions": "5",
22 "default_subspecs": "File",
26 "source_files": "YDRootNavigationController/Classes/**/*",
28 "YDRootNavigationController/Resources": [
36 "YDRootNavigationController": [
37 "YDRootNavigationController/Assets/Images.xcassets"